Digital marketing is way beyond the ‘next big thing’ mark. Every client, business and start-up understands the need to be present on digital platforms and can see a direct impact of the same in sales and business.
Digital is ever evolving and many a time marketers get stuck with content creation, platform choices and so on. With no hard and fast rule, it all depends on what best one can make of the array of platforms available in today’s times.
As good as digital marketing can be, little mistakes will lead to dents in a company’s image, needing big bucks for them to be rectified as everything here is in ‘real time’.
Here are a few things to bear in mind as you plan your digital marketing strategy in 2016.
Moving towards mobility – Web is slowly moving into oblivion as more and more people move towards hand held devices. It is now time to have your little rendezvous with the mobile platforms and portable devices. With big names going ‘big’ on mobile interfaces, the best way to stay ahead in business is through mobile apps and responsive sites. With Google now taking into consideration mobile-friendly sites for search engine rankings – it is definitely a platform to build businesses on.
Content is still the king – One should never ignore the power of good content. However it has got to be accurate and relevant. Content does not always have to be an overload of words and essays. Instant videos and video ads are what one will see rule in 2016.
Survey statistics prove that videos receive far more viewers than written content. Also, with videos now being included in Google’s search engine algorithm, it will be a mistake to not foray into this segment. Facebook live, instant videos on Instagram, Meerkat, Periscope, etc. should have already given you the hint.
Role of influencers – Influencers can help penetrate into markets that conventional marketing techniques fail at. The Nielsen report has proven results for consumer action based on reviews from trusted, recognised and subject matter experts. Influencers, not only amplify business but also increase visibility and help build a loyal customer base.
Email is still alive and kicking! – Some things don’t change. With all the buzz about social media, mobile platforms, videos, etc. the humble email marketing sometimes gets ignored. Email marketing is still considered to be one of the most effective ways to gauge consumer behaviour and trends. Emails are highly targeted, of course when users are not ‘spammed’. 80% of them still prefer to get monthly updates about their favourite brands. Close to 75% of customers prefer weekly emails regarding discounts, offers, limited edition sales etc. Email marketing is also a great way to customise your stories for your customers.
It’s all about the consumer! – End of the day, your customer is king or queen! People centric digital marketing is what one needs to adopt for increased engagement, interaction and ROI. As a digital marketer, stop having revenue based models – start focusing on your consumer relations for the best results.
While this may not sound super sophisticated or may not be rocket science, good digital marketing strategies are often driven by technology combined with basic common sense.